Days on the Dirt at the Malle Mile 2022

Yes, that’s right- your fave all women’s riding school will be at the infamous Malle Mile! After falling in love with the event a few years back, the Days on the Dirt Team just knew that the Mile would be a perfect fit for what we offer- roll on 2022 and we have our shit together enough to be there.

So what are we offering?!


Similar to Camp VC (with a twist), we have decided to offer 2 hour long, total beginner lessons. But with this being our first ever year, we’re offering these on a much smaller scale.

The 2 hour class covers:

  • Getting to know the bike, a 2022 Honda CRF125

  • Learning how to use a clutch and practicing the technique of changing up and down the gears

  • Basic motorcycle movement, which will include working your way through a slalom and then performing a figure of eight

  • The remainder of the time will be spent ‘free riding’ on a purposefully laid out, simple course, where you will be able to hone in on all that you have learnt. Thanks to the smaller sizes of these sessions we’ll be able to introduce some additional motorcycles, to maximise ride time (the best part) at the end!


Class times:






These can be booked NOW in our shop:


 We’ll also be offering shorter, 1:1 lessons- for those that want to fly through and get to riding! These will last between 45minutes and an hour, leaving you tootling around the track to your heart’s content. Get on one of these for just £60- come see us over the weekend for more details.



The worst thing about being at a motorbike event is longing to ride but not having any equipment to make it happen. So, for this year’s Malle Mile, we’ll be hiring out our brand new CRF’s for you! Turn up with nothing, be provided all your kit (helmet, gloves, goggles, boots, gear- should you wish) and not forgetting the bike and get out on our little track for twenty minutes, all for just £15 (have you seen the price of fuel?!)

We’ll be on hand for this open ride time to give pointers and help with anything you may be struggling with. To take part in this you need to be relatively new to motorcycling or have just completed our beginner’s course, this opportunity and track is aimed at beginners- we don’t want people tearing round and putting newbies at risk, please. With that being said, as this isn’t our training as such, we are open to men and women for the general track time.

The track will be open whenever there are no beginners lessons happening.



Have you been dreaming of the scramble, want in but have no way in?! Well, hold up… Our CRF125’s are the perfect beginner bike to be tootling around the scramble, guided by one of our instructors. Join the guided group ride of the 10km scramble, really getting to experience all that Malle have to offer.

Again, as this isn’t training we are open to men and women, but those that are new to motorcycling.

Come visit our stand over the weekend for more details and the timings on this, but for just £25 you could get a taste of the Malle Scramble.


We’ll be there all weekend so pop over and say hi, we’ll also try our best to answer any questions related to getting into motorcycle riding or racing- or any kit related queries. Pop over and find out more about what we do.

Leah Tokelove