Givin' it another shot

Oh, hello again, yeah, I kind of forgot that I still had this website too- I guess that I should really get my however much money’s worth that I pay for the privilege of having this self-promoting outlet. Anyway, here I am- trying to keep on the ball with my writing as I navigate my latest adventure… an actual, real, proper job. Gulp. We’ll come on to that later. But for now, let’s try to catch up on the past few years and all the cool shit I’ve somehow managed to do. And I guess we should talk about 2020, even though it was a bit of a shitter.

My first day at school

My first day at school

 Well where am I at now? 2020 saw me finally graduate from University and graduating with a Master’s degree (yes I know so clever, thank you, thank you) meant that I should probably get a job. So that’s what I did, I managed to blag my way (like most things I do) into the position of ‘Senior PR and Events Executive’ at Bennetts Motorcycle Insurance. It had to be a fun industry for me, something that was going to be fun and allow me to get out and about, engaging with motorcyclists and being surrounded by the buzz of racing. What I’ve experienced of it so far has been great but like most things, COVID has put it’s own spin on things. But I remain excited by my future at Bennetts and the opportunities that I will get to meet some great people and work with their BikeSocial Team, on delivering relevant content that motorcycle riders wanna’ engage with. Fun times ahead for sure.

Me in California mid Feb- so unaware of what was to come. Oh the ignorance

Me in California mid Feb- so unaware of what was to come. Oh the ignorance

Accurate representation of me during lockdown

Accurate representation of me during lockdown

 Like everyone else in the UK I was pushed into the nationwide lockdown that hit us mid-March, actually less than a week after I arrived home from my six-week stint on the western coast of America. That six-week stint was to be the first of a few trips Stateside in 2020, but with the US borders still shut to UK tourists I can’t even plan a return trip anytime soon- sad face emoji. In the few days I had before the first lockdown I managed to buy a puppy, his name is Dingo and if you follow me on socials or know actual real-life Leah, then you’ll know he’s a bastard but incredibly cute. So, for lockdown I had me new mate Dingo, he would be there for many a breakdown throughout completing my dissertation and finishing University. Thanks to Dingo I learnt that I can barely look after myself, let alone a dog- I also learnt that Dingo dog’s love riding motorcycles and playing fetch. Most importantly, I learnt the very valuable lesson of why you shouldn’t give things stupid names and how it only backfires on you when you’re stood down your lane, in your dressing gown, shouting ‘Dingo.., Dingo… Dingooooo’ over and over and over again- that is when you re-assess yourself and the life that you’re living.

I tried to keep it classy from March- June, but it didn’t work out

I tried to keep it classy from March- June, but it didn’t work out

 Now, I would always be the first to raise my hand when asked if I found lockdown hard. I did, for so many reasons. But the past year or so has taught me so much. Despite still living under COVID related restrictions I have never been happier, but it has taken a lot to get here. I’ve done a lot of learning and experienced so much and 2020 has taught me something very important- just bloody do it. As cliché as it sounds, I think that a lot of us take things for granted and having basic things like walking down to the pub for a pint taken away from us has made us realise that. I’ve lost a lot, I’ve gained a lot and our world spins at a million miles an hour- so little is constant. You just need to get out there and be your own.

 I guess that is why I find myself back here. I enjoy writing and I enjoy sharing my stories and experiences. So, for those that want to read them you can expect to find them here. This is something that I want to do, so I’m just gonna’ go ahead and do it. Stay tuned for motorcycle fun time updates, my top tips for wild pee-ing on roadtrips, PR gold from the Queen of PR (lol) and my opinions on many many things- plus all things Hooligan (I ain’t giving that up). All that to come and more- if I cough up and pay my renewal subscription for this website that is.

is this legal? Asking for a friend

is this legal? Asking for a friend

Dingo was pumped on me finishing my dissertation

Dingo was pumped on me finishing my dissertation

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